Writing Cover Letters in the Digital Age: AI Do's and Don'ts for Job Seekers

Job searching can be repetitive and difficult, but you can use different tools to make it that little bit easier. Discover how to use the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, to supercharge your efforts. In this guide, we'll talk about the do's and don'ts of using AI to help write interview-winning cover letters, tailored for young job seekers:

The Do's:

Start with Personal Details:

  • Kickstart the process by inputting essential information about the job, your skills, qualifications, and accomplishments. Allow AI to help you articulate these points effectively, providing a polished and professional touch to your cover letter.

Define Your Tone and Style:

  • Clearly communicate the desired tone and style you want for your cover letter. Did you know that most AI will write in American English unless you say otherwise? If you’re a job seeker in the UK, that isn’t ideal. So, whether it's formal, enthusiastic, or a blend of both, setting this expectation guides the AI to sound more like you.

Use AI for Sentence Expansion:

  • Provide the AI with your key ideas or talking points, allowing it to expand on them rather than writing the entire thing from scratch. This can be particularly useful for creating detailed paragraphs while maintaining a natural flow. Think of it as a helpful friend to suggest edits or proofread your work, not something that can do all the work for you.

Incorporate Company-Specific Details:

  • Share insights about the company you've gathered through research and AI can help integrate these details into your cover letter, demonstrating your genuine interest in the company and the position.

Review and Personalise:

  • After AI generates the content, do not skip the most important step! Review and personalise it to align with your voice and style. Add personal anecdotes, experiences, or tweaks to make it uniquely yours. Only then is it ready to submit.

The Don’ts:

Avoid Over-Reliance on AI:

  • While AI can be an incredibly helpful tool, it's important not to let it overshadow your personal input. Overusing AI-generated content may be apparent to hiring managers and could actually reduce your chances. Remember, there are software tools designed to detect patterns associated with excessive AI use.

Don't Skip Personalisation:

  • One common pitfall is relying too heavily on AI-generated templates or content without personalising it for each job application. Avoid using generic phrases that could apply to any position and always tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company, showcasing an understanding of their needs and expressing how your skills align.

Prioritise Privacy in AI Interaction:

  • Be cautious about the information you share with AI platforms. Avoid disclosing sensitive personal details or any other data that could compromise your privacy. Stick to well-established AI tools with strong privacy policies to ensure your information remains secure.

Continuous Learning Beyond AI:

  • While AI can assist in writing a great cover letter, it's not a substitute for ongoing personal and professional development. If you reach the interview stage, you won’t be able to rely on AI. So actively engage in continuous learning and skill-building. A real commitment to growth can set you apart from other candidates who may rely solely on automated tools.

Mastering the art of cover letter writing with the aid of AI is a game-changer. By following these do's and don'ts, you'll be able to use the power of technology while maintaining the personal touch that makes your application stand out. Get ready to land those interviews and step towards your career goals!

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